

A loss may be on your mind right now, causing you distress. You may find yourself searching for spiritual answers. Communicate your worries with others, close companions especially. Avoid risky ventures. Take time to get outside and be somewhere quiet and peaceful with your thoughts. Your work life never seemed so good as it does today. You can feel positive vibrations all around. A long desired success feels imminent. Explore new areas of interest today. With perseverance you can work your way to the top! You're refreshed and ready to dive into new goals!


Ready, set, launch that charm offensive! Your ruler, the regal Sun, struts into Sagittarius, powering up your fifth house of glamour, amour, fame and creativity. Not for nothing, it's the house associated with your peacock of a sign! For the next four weeks, all eyes are on you, begging the question, What do you want to do with all that attention? Throw yourself into a passion project, pursue a heart connection, polish the Leo brand? Wherever you turn your dazzling attention, make sure you give it 200 percent!