This is a time of good fortune for you at work. You are now rewarded for all the hard work you have put in. You may even be given the chance to travel. Tend to problems in romance, to relationships that are not working. Ending those connections may be your only real option. Take time off to mend fences at home. Your home life feels more troubled than usual but you are needed by your family as a source of inspiration and honest advice. Your loved ones have stood by you through thick and thin. Always keep in mind that wanting people to dance of your order would only make matter worse.
Whether you work from home or go into an office, you need to be comfortable and relaxed to do your best. Early today, as the moon lingers in Leo and your zone of domesticity, enhance the warm and fuzzy vibes in your professional environment to increase your creativity—and productivity! Give yourself a little time to fall down a Pinterest rabbit hole. It's time well spent if you come back with new inspiration for the office, and maybe your winter wardrobe.