This is a moment of good fortune for you. A recent promotion or raise has put you in good mood and ready to party. Enjoy the company of friends, old and new. But be sure to travel with caution and don't neglect those at home. A significant other may be needing more of your time and attention. You need a break from the roller coaster ride of work, duties and responsibilities. Spend time with dear ones and enjoy some needed quiet. Your client and colleagues appreciate your focus on your work. You tend to strike a balance between your work and home but make sure that you don't burnout while managing many things at the same time.
Don’t get sidetracked by other people’s antics today, fascinating as they may be. You’ve got work that requires your full attention, and tuning in to the diva channel will only be a time-sucking disruption. Avoiding drama might be easier said than not done, however, with socially engaged Mercury opposing overblown Jupiter in your theatrical fifth house. Your own romantic life could be a source of intensity. Separate genuine highlights from high drama, and stay on-guard for narcissistic types who could prey on you in a moment of vulnerability.