

You are in a social mood, ready to celebrate recent successes. You may be on the brink of a major decision, perhaps marriage even if you are currently unwed. Review contracts and deeds of sale with care. Be sure to curtail expense spending. Save some money for a rainy day. New relationships are in the works. Even old rivals are ready to befriend you. These connections are a positive outlet for your excitement and yield helpful alliances. Finances and deals will be made with the aid of those you enlist now. So spend time with friends or groups. Give people what they want. Be there to witness and listen.


Under Saturday’s flowing trine between the moon and motivator Mars, many hands make light work. Call for backup if you’re feeling stuck. You don’t have to drag that heavy bookshelf up a flight of stairs all alone. Of course, support might look like a hivemind brainstorming session over pizza lunch (your treat). With lusty Mars in the mix, an intellectual spark could find a little resonance further south in your body. If you’re single, that chemistry could be worth exploring. If not, keep a safe distance since willpower will not be your strong suit. You’re in your team-spirited element once again this Sunday as 2024’s only new moon in Sagittarius lands in your collaborative eleventh house (aka “the Aquarius house”). While it won’t take much, if any, effort to assemble a crew, how about raising the bar? This lunar lift is here to help you redefine what a dream team would look like as you move into the new year. Consider this your cue to get out and circulate, finding people and groups that speak to your current interests. They’re out there, Aquarius, so beam your search light away from the usual places.