

Domestic and relationship worries may have you yearning for some quiet time to ruminate. Express your ideas and dreams in words, images or song. Take time to heal so you will be ready for a fresh beginning in days to come. An invitation to a movie, play or game is likely and you're excited to partake of this pleasure. You're' in a partying mood, feeling confident. All eyes are on you and your charisma is alluring. Enjoy yourself but don't let euphoric feelings lead you in the wrong direction. Enjoy life to the fullest but let rationality guide you.


To add to cart or not? Financial judgment may be skewed under today’s confusing moon-Venus square. Think twice before scooping up sale items that aren’t refundable. While a budget review may be sobering, it doesn’t have to be depressing. Crunch the numbers and you’ll see what you actually can afford to splurge on (or not). A little delayed gratification never hurt anyone.