

A short journey to improve your physical and mental well being may be required right now. Make time for self expression through writing, music, the arts. The phase of seclusion, even loneliness, is temporary and will lead to better opportunities ahead. This is the perfect moment to profess your love to your significant other. Finances and work take a backseat to emotions and romance. You'd like a break from the mundane and want to engage in pursuits that spark your passion. This internal blast of energy pushes you to the limit and allows you to find greater meaning in everything.


Show us the money! On Saturday, the lunar north node shifts into Pisces and your second house of financial stability. The global economy may be in flux, but Aquarians who are willing to roll up their sleeves and pivot for these changing times will keep the coffers full between now and July 26, 2026. While you may need to invest some “sweat equity” before you see the dollars roll in, you could leap into a higher earnings bracket. And with that comes a heightened sense of self-worth! Simultaneously, the lunar south node moves into Virgo and your eighth house of joint ventures. A fresh approach to investing can help your money grow. Unleash your trademark generosity today, Aquarius. On Sunday, energizer Mars in your benevolent sixth house forms an auspicious angle to charitable Neptune in your finance sector. Put your money where your morals are and "tithe" with your time. Decluttering will get the abundance flowing.