

Travel plans may need to be revamped or even cancelled. Money may be tight at present so be frugal when you have the option. Enjoy moments with friends and family. A longtime romance may culminate in a lifelong bond today. This may bring drastic change which you need to accept in order to move forward. Romance satisfies you now as never before. Professionally new contracts arrive, leading to exceptional success. Fortune knocks once at every man's door; you just need to open the door and welcome it inside.


Tempted to dive full-on into a partnership without adequate intel? While today's mashup of romanticizer Venus and supersizer Jupiter may inspire you to take a risk, slow your roll and take a reality check instead. You'll always meet stunning, charismatic people, Aquarius; that's just who you are. The trick is using your discernment before you're in over your head. Pace yourself, even if you're feeling the love. Your instincts may be spot-on, but at least this way, you won't overwhelm yourself.