A loss of income may be weighing on you. Taking a break from socializing to be on your own would be helpful right now. You could use seclusion and quiet as you look for answers. Change is inevitable and will bring you some opportunities. Now is the moment to weigh your strengths and weaknesses. You seek advice from those closest to you. Listen to all but do what feels right. Save time for family and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Newfound confidence helps you see fresh opportunities. You have the freedom to make mistakes and even cope with failure.
Careful not to bend so far over backward that you need to call a chiropractor, Aquarius! With the moon in romantic Leo and your seventh house of relationships all morning, you're willing to go to great lengths to keep the peace. But don’t be too quick to cede ground. Remember that you can't please everyone all the time, hard as you might try. See if you can stall until later this morning, when la luna shifts gears into savvy Virgo. Then you won't have any trouble taking the emotional temperature of a situation—which includes paying attention to YOUR needs too.