Not sure how to start anew? Something as simple as a fresh haircut could make you feel ready for the new phase you are embarking on. If you are looking to move up the ranks at work, display confidence and you'll succeed. Remind yourself of your strengths and happiness will follow. You want to break from routine right now and seek fresh ideas. Work may feel draining and uninspiring but stick to the tasks and responsibilities before you. Fresh dreams and inspiration are headed your way. Sometimes without leaps of imagination we lose the excitement of possibilities.
Saturday’s flirtatious face-off between the moon and Venus reminds you that not every connection has to serve a legendary story for all the ages. If you meet someone who’s all fun but holds no prospects for the future, don’t write them off just yet. As long as you’re both on the same page, a little lighthearted excitement could be exactly what you need. Already paired up? Inject some spontaneity into your usual routine. Hop in the car, skip the GPS and see where the road takes you. The best part of the adventure? Let’s just say it might not be the scenery outside the windows that gets your heart racing. Details could trip you up on Sunday, when the Libra moon in your vision zone spars with impulsive Mars in your efficiency corner. You have a ton of balls in the air and can’t afford to take on anything else before working your way through the current list. Break it all down into doable action steps. Farm out whatever tasks you can, even if that means outsourcing something to a paid pro. If they take a few things off your plate and spare you the additional stress, the money will be well worth it.