

Time spent with family brings happiness right now. A change of appearance will bolster your confidence. Treat yourself to some desired material belonging. Speak up and advocate for that idea that has been on your mind. Career success is underway or imminent. Whether you take new direction or continue on your established path, expect great results. Rid yourself of fears and face life head on. You can take the ordinary into the extraordinary. Take calculated risks after hearing suggestions from others. You won't be disappointed with the results.


Are you so focused on the bottom line that you’ve lost sight of the pleasures of this project, Aquarius? You’re susceptible to tunnel vision under today’s Mercury-Jupiter skirmish, so before you inadvertently offend someone or say exactly the wrong thing, hit pause and take a few giant steps back. What are your overarching goals—and how can you get the help you need to accomplish them without burning out? With innovative Jupiter in your creativity zone, the answer probably lies far outside the box!