

A loss or separation is weighing on you. Take time to process what you are feeling. Looking to elders for help and reprieve. Get rest and think things through. This is a moment to be reclusive, to spend with loved ones who truly understand what you're going through. Reach out to friends and even those who have been adversaries in the past. This is the moment to find common ground and work together. Networking today yields larger returns later. The way you communicate with others will determine the quality of your life. Grab any socializing opportunity, reach out to people of varied backgrounds and win friends for life!


Digging in your heels won’t get you far today, Aquarius. If you’ve been locking horns with someone in your sphere, take a step back and evaluate your approach. Drop the my-way-or-the-highway stance and open up a dialogue. By digging beneath the surface, you could uncover the true motives behind this person’s opposition. With such insight, it’s much easier to come up with a compromise that both of you can live with.