

If your spiritual beliefs currently feel in doubt, a pilgrimage or foreign travel will give you a chance to research and reaffirm. Some legal affairs will soon be resolving, perhaps leaving you with an expected inheritance. Enjoy the good fortune or the moment but prioritize your health and avoid risky choices. You may feel overloaded with responsibilities right now. Various modes of communication keep you connected with those individuals on your mind. Watch your words when you interact to avoid awkward situations. Professional and personal communication will be fruitful and possibly emotional. Keep a check on your tongue and don't say things that you yourself would not want to hear.


You’ve got a lot on your mind and plenty you want to talk about. All weekend, the Gemini moon is activating your communication house. From the U.S. election to this week’s full moon, a lot has been stirred up. On Saturday, take time with supportive friends to process your thoughts—and also to blow off a little steam with some well-earned socializing. Sunday’s merger of the moon and outspoken Jupiter emboldens you to speak frankly with everyone. Instead of being overly diplomatic (and vague), share what's on your mind without all the window dressing. Even if your delivery is a little rough around the edges, at least others will know that your message is sincere. Besides, a little unpolished honesty can be a potent conversation starter. The truth shall set you free. But if you don’t want to be liberated from a longtime friendship, do consider how your forthright words will land!