A short journey, maybe to a peaceful natural setting, reconnects you to your spiritual center and revive pleasant memories. A parent or child may be in need of your care right now. Place emphasis on domestic affairs, on making sure life is tranquil at home, and you will find good fortune in coming days. The search for meaning may take you in unexpected directions. Get in touch with your true self. Your long held beliefs, prejudices, and opinions may be challenged. Slow down the pace of your life and enjoy it fully. Narrowing your focus will bring you peace.
Abundance isn’t just a spiritual marketing buzzword, Aries. It’s a vital mindset to embrace if you’re going to bust through a limiting plateau and reach your loftiest goals. Today, as dazzling Venus lights up your house of career success and fist-bumps alchemical Uranus in your money house, your manifestation mojo is spiking. Focus on something you REALLY want to attract to you, visualize it completely, then act as if it’s already happened. Then sit back and wait.