You may be feeling disconnected from your own past and your own memories right now. Taking a short journey to connect with relatives or spiritual beliefs will revive you. This may be a useful moment to enroll in a training or a course in higher education. Avoid risky monetary decisions. Finances might feel sparse right now but financial gain is headed your way. You expect more from yourself than ever. You're confident in the quality of your work but a lack of appreciation may disappoint you. You feel a lack of control. A desire for material and emotional prosperity may be making you feel restless. If you channel this frustration in the right direction, it could lead to a significant breakthrough.
Give people a peek behind the curtain of your warrior armor today. Unguarded moments with someone you trust will feel like a huge relief. You don’t need to broadcast every feeling to the world, but do let at least one close confidant in. It’s exhausting to hide your tears, passion, anger—or whatever it is that’s bubbling up inside you, Aries. Divulge something private just to see how it feels to stop holding everything in. Keep “practicing,” and every time it’ll get easier!