Work life is richly rewarding right now, with a raise or promotion likely. Display your excitement and confidence in your dress and demeanor. Things may be more tense in a relationship. A break up may be the only option. Move on to new opportunities. Boost your productivity by avoiding daydreaming and procrastinating. Take time to visit with family and share your creativity with them. Some unexpected news will arrive via phone or email and even social media along with pings and notifications. Now is a good time to make plans for any new personal or business relationship.
Temper, temper. As the reactive moon struggles with convivial Venus today, you could resort to passive-aggressive behavior. Longstanding resentments might be triggered by this starmap, and there’s no point insisting that everything’s cool if you’re livid inside. Maybe it’s literally a misunderstanding. To find out, you need to give people an opportunity to explain themselves. Then tell your side. You might even write out a new agreement. It’s important to make doubly sure you’re on the same wavelength after you’ve hashed things out.