You feel stressed. Take time to recuperate, to meditate or analyze important decisions before you. Rest is the order of the day. After all the hurdles and evaluations you have been through, you have earned this time downtime. You are full of joy and generosity as you move from monotony to love or perhaps lust. Others are in tune as you connect emotionally. You feel satisfied and amped up. Try to rise above the mean, the small-minded and plan something larger than life today. Keep a check on pulse and vigor.
Your straight talk is known to be a force for good in your relationships, but balance your candor with diplomacy. Truthful Jupiter is in your communicative third house, so you’re sharing your views as freely as ever. But today, the red-spotted titan’s quarrel with people-pleasing Venus in your subconscious zone could mean that what sounds playful to you could get lost in translation and wound someone. Before you open your mouth, think through what you’re about to say and imagine how it will come across to others. When in doubt, err on the side of sweet Venus!