

An accident affecting you or a relative, perhaps a sibling or uncle, may be causing stress at home. Take a break and get out to clubs and social events. The people you meet now may yield interesting networking possibilities. A meeting or official conversation may be causing you anxiety, especially if a contract or deal is at stake. Don't worry. Everything will fit into place. Learn from your own experiences, as well as from the life lessons of others, and you will acquire new skills for success.


Opposites attract on Saturday, courtesy of a face-off between the moon and romance planet Venus. You’ll feel inexplicably drawn to someone, Aries, but don’t overthink this attraction. Rams thrive on change and excitement, be it in love or friendship, and today you can meet someone who matches your heat index. Don’t be in a hurry to categorize this connection; just enjoy trading banter and ideas. Being fully present will light your fire even more. On Sunday, you might wake up hearing a Stradivarius playing softly in your psyche. With your ruler, provocateur Mars, charging through your emo fourth house, you might be a sucker for someone’s sad tale. But due to a stressful angle with the cooperative Libra moon, if you give an inch, they’re liable to take a mile. Keep resentment (and codependence!) at bay by forcing yourself to hang back a bit. You’re better off encouraging people to stand on their own two feet.