

Change is imminent. Take time to prepare for it now. Your health may need attention. Make appointments to consult with doctors. Look for spiritual insights as well, in dreams and introspection. Avoid fraud or deception by making all decisions with care. That it will not come again makes the day electrifying and there is a need for spontaneity in decision making. There may be a mishap and something might achieve its destiny. Avoid brushing things beneath the rug and face things as they are.


Le fleece, c’est chic. Slip into the softest, fluffiest thing you own today as the Sun shifts into Pisces and your twelfth house of rest and rejuvenation for a month. Part and parcel of revitalizing yourself is wrapping up loose ends and letting go of outmoded situations. Now’s the time to finish up projects you started around your birthday so you can begin fresh when the Sun moves into Aries on March 20. Allow for plenty of downtime over the next four weeks. Meditate daily, do yoga stretches, stick to an early bedtime. While your subconscious is working overtime, tune in to your dreams. They could contain important messages or unleash highly creative energy.