

Money is suddenly yours, through a new source of income or a recent success. Use these earnings wisely. Attention to your health is critical. Now may be the time to schedule a doctor's visit you've been putting off. Friends are eager to be in your company. Enjoy social functions but save time for seclusion and introspection as well. Here comes the path to your glory. An opportunity arises today. Take a gamble and you won't be disappointed. Caring for others' feelings may be challenging today but multi-tasking will make it possible. On the whole, your day will be filled with love and happiness. Just embrace life wholeheartedly.


You might think you’re on-point today, but an uneasy cosmic clash is making it hard to see things from any other perspective. Cerebral Mercury is parked in your fuzzy twelfth house—plus it’s squaring know-it-all Jupiter. You may be tempted to blurt out the first thing that pops into your head, or you might be stuck in a limited way of thinking. Challenge yourself to stay open, Aries. This isn’t about “logic” so much as learning to play well with others.