

A boss or supervisor has noticed all your hard work and is ready to reward your leadership qualities. Enjoy the bonus or promotion offered to you. In relationships, you may be feeling stressed or confined. Take time to be alone with your thoughts. Change is inevitable and is best accepted. You want to break from routine right now and seek fresh ideas. Work may feel draining and uninspiring but stick to the tasks and responsibilities before you. Fresh dreams and inspiration are headed your way. Sometimes without leaps of imagination we lose the excitement of possibilities.


There is such a thing as being honest to a fault, Aries, and you’re at risk of going there under today’s lip-loosening Sagittarius moon. And with la luna squaring boundless Mercury in Pisces, you could be tempted to exaggerate or even embellish the truth. If you want people to not just hear your message but also drink in your words, tone down the theatrics. Speak your truth, but soften your delivery with some sensitivity.