Be cautious with money now, avoiding debts or large purchases. People and pets are depending on you so commute carefully to avoid accidents or injuries. Hard work may leave to future wealth. For now, enjoy food and music shared with family. The world will make demands of you, given your position of power and responsibility. The quiet life, the joy of family, appeals to you now. Take care of your well being, as issues of health and fitness may arise. Today is the best day to appreciate people who serve you (and expect the same from people who you serve).
Ready, set, systematize! Under Saturday’s supportive trine between the moon and go-getter Mars, you could have your December bills paid and your inbox cleared before you’ve finished your first cup of coffee. (And by the second brew, your bookshelves might just be color-coordinated.) Getting your spaces tidied up will get stagnant energy flowing again. It’s easier to think when you’re not staring at piles of clutter. Sunday’s new moon in Sagittarius sparks your healthy-living mojo, helping you avert a holiday season hangover that lasts into the new year. Snag a special offer at a gym or yoga studio (chances are those treadmills have been unoccupied lately). Over the next two weeks, make more efforts around the office, especially when it comes to coworker relations. While being diligent about the details is a must, buddying up to an influencer or simply being of service could help you land a special project that puts your name on the map over the coming six months.