Legal concerns may be a barrier to happiness at present. Continue to put in effort at work and you will see new opportunities headed your way. Ignore the talk of enemies and concentrate on those that depend on you and bring your a sense of self-worth and belonging. While work has been meaningful, today will also introduce something new and important. Co-workers and friends support you and make progress possible. In both work and life you will feel energized, ready to break new ground. Don't stretch yourself too thin though; learn to fix priorities and try to follow a work schedule.
Hard as it may be, make time for as many people as possible today, Cancer, even if it’s just a few focused minutes. With loving Venus in your partnership sector, you know which connections are top priority. But because the heart-thumping planet is in a harmonious angle with communal Uranus in your house of friends and colleagues, even people in the outer rings of your social circle are going to need a piece of you, too. The trick is to set firm time limits, and when a needy person starts to ask for more than you can give, have a kind but firm “getaway line” ready to deliver.