You may be dealing with a setback, either in health or in your personal life. Take time to deal with this productively, avoiding the temptation of vice or risky sexual relationships. Money may be headed your way. Research your options for saving and investing. This turbulent phase can be best weathered by acting with caution and following your gut. Material security is on your mind today. Review your finances, your monthly budget, your sources of income and your expenses. You may feel hungry to make and spend more money than usual. Projects ranging from housekeeping to lucrative new ventures will appeal to you.
Today’s clash between the fiery Capricorn Sun in your relationship sector and combative Mars retrograde in Cancer might set you off like fireworks. One minute you’re all sweetness and light, the next you're coming off like a mean girl or overreacting to a perceived slight. This short fuse could burn some bridges if you’re not careful. So before you open your mouth and turn into Maleficent, stop and consider what you’re about to say. Give people the benefit of the doubt. It’s quite possible that they’re clueless about how their ideas may offend you.