You may be feeling unheard or blamed for things beyond your control. A worry from your past may resurface. Follow your intuition and do what seems best for your physical and emotional health. Money may be unexpectedly headed your way. Invest it wisely. Making informed decisions and weighing liabilities will work to your advantage. Steer clear of unnecessary shopping and expenditures. Finances will be the focus on the day. A windfall might even come your way, one that you have certainly earned through hard work. Be ready to face abundance or deficiency, whichever one arises, with equal determination and preparation.
When you're on a mission, you've been known to break records when it comes to completing tasks. But that's not an appropriate pace for today. With the moon lingering in Leo and your industrious second house for most of the morning, you'll produce better work with a methodical approach than by multitasking. When you finish one chunk, get up and stretch and move around. Late morning, when la luna beams into Virgo and your social third house, you’ll be ready for more interactive tasks. Who wants to go grab lunch?