An inheritance or other source of unexpected money may be headed your way. Use the funds wisely, avoiding vices and risky behavior. A teacher or father figure may be going through a health setback. Be there to offer support. A secret may be shared with you. You are effectively balancing work and home life concerns. Your emotions run high, both love and hate, but you feel self confident. Your driving force is your family now rather than the daily chores that seem to take up too much time. Avoid losing your temper. Anger would undo all the good work of the past few weeks.
Saturday calls for a lively mix of company! Forget any predefined groups and make brunch an inclusive affair. The idea of catching up with the usual crew sounds tempting, but an opposition between the emo moon and expressive Venus stirs up some intense energy that could feel a bit unbalanced. Inviting a diverse mix of personalities into the fold keeps things light and dynamic. Your best move? Opt for an activity that gets everyone moving. Hit the slopes, throw together a karaoke showdown or jump into a darts tourney at your local pub. The more movement and laughter, the better! The shoe’s on the other foot for Cancers this Sunday. You’re known for taking your own feelings pretty seriously, but with a moody fourth-house moon battling feisty Mars retrograde in Cancer, you could be the one who has to smooth ruffled feathers. Being overly direct with your words (or straight-up harsh) could wind up doing harm. Stop and consider whether sharing your unvarnished truth is actually a good idea. And if you do decide to give it to them, remember that turnabout is fair play.