A health concern may be on your mind. Make good decisions, avoiding drugs, alcohol and other vices. The supernatural or occult speak to you now, perhaps as a way to find out more about a recent sorrow or setback. Disturbances in travel may occur so plan accordingly. Work to strike a balance between personal aspirations and your duties to home and society. Take time for yourself and to look after your health (physical, emotional and spiritual). The elderly, needy and infirm demand your time, attention and affection. Be responsible in your deeds as that's the only way you can earn the trust of loved ones.
Today’s mashup of the Sun and moon in your two most private, tender houses encourages you to pay attention to your emotions—and honor them! Even if you’re in a teary mood or feel raw and vulnerable, it’s important to let yourself experience the emotions and not ignore them—or not give yourself a “snap out of it!” pep talk. If you follow the breadcrumbs, you might learn something important about yourself. Hitting a wall? Call a wise woman friend and get her impressions.