

A father figure may accompany you on a short journey. Use this time to get in touch with your own beliefs. A new career opportunity may arise soon. Enjoy the sudden good fortune you experience! The outside world fascinates and delights you right now. You can expect a sudden desire/invitation to see a movie, explore the arena, play a game, or take in a play and that might be a reason for your delight. Enjoy yourself but don't let rationality leave you.


Break out of that winter cocoon, Cancer. For the last month, you’ve been more inwardly focused than usual, courtesy of the Aquarius Sun transiting your depth-probing eighth house. Today, el Sol exits that sector of your chart and blasts into Pisces and your adventurous ninth house until March 20, putting your curious side at the helm. Follow that exploratory urge to see another part of the world, and you might uncover a killer deal to your dream destination. You can also travel in a figurative sense, perhaps by attending an eye-opening lecture or learning another language. The possibilities are endless, so dive in with both feet.