

Legal plans or contracts require your attention right now. Solicit advice for your spouse or significant other. This may be a moment for seclusion as you may need to attend to health or wellness concerns. Stay out of conflicts and avoid unwise connections. You are determined to not look away from the world's woes today. It's a good moment to confront a spiritual crisis (existence, identity and worthiness) as also issues with partner or take an ethical stand. Let intuition be your guide. Sometimes our gut feelings work magic for us.


Good luck focusing on those dull-as-dishwater tasks today, Capricorn! Pleasure planet Venus is buzzing through your sign, and a biannual bond with rebellious Uranus in your sensual fifth house could conflate an attraction into a full-blown obsession. Since you may not be able to avoid falling down that rabbit hole, at least attempt to set limits. Give yourself five minutes at a pop to go there with your full intensity. But when the “time's up” alarm goes off, get back to work!