New opportunities are headed your way, perhaps including the chance to travel. Take care to communicate effectively by letter or email or by being an attentive listener with conversations. Worries about a younger sibling may be causing you stress. Pursue shared activities that bring you both happiness, perhaps going to a concert or show. Beware of promised funds as they may fail to materialize and keep your alternatives ready in case the need be. Money/finances are now your primary concern. Cash flow, liquid assets, even property and joint-funds will have to be handled. How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives. Aspire to self-transformation and keep working hard.
When your workload spirals out of control, it's better to swallow your pride and get help than wear yourself out because even that doesn't guarantee you'll finish on time or do a good job. There's no shame in delegating; in fact, it's the sign of a savvy manager. Under today's Venus-Jupiter square, don't get sucked into thinking the person with the smallest pile is the best person for the job. That could be the sign of a world-class slacker. Turn to the most tried-and-true person on Team Capricorn—and then reward them generously!