Look to family to bolster any self doubt you may be experiencing right now. The project you are now embarking on will lead to monetary gain and growth. You're on a lucky streak today. Finances are revamped and leave you feeling energetic. Take a calculated risk. You have a lot of juggle but you will reap the benefits before long. Good fortune will bring fresh opportunities your way.
You may struggle to keep your focus on work when your heart keeps pulling your mind to a certain relationship early in the day. And who can blame you, Capricorn? The interactive Leo moon is blazing in your eighth house of intimacy and seduction, churning up intense feelings and hard-to-contain desires. If there's something you can do (like make a call or send a message), do it, then get back to your work. Just before lunch, la luna shifts into Virgo, turning your thoughts to creative strategizing, and you'll need to harness ALL your attention.