

Now is an ideal time to reconnect with family, to share a meal. Concerns about money or material possessions may be on your mind. Treat yourself to a new look. Indulge your interest in fashion. Share your love of the arts with others. The usual focal points of your life leave you cold. New values and concerns are imminent, perhaps gained through travel, a mentor or a distant relative. Overcome world-weariness as you have responsibilities to face.


Today’s planetary PSA: people first! Of course, you’re eager to get going on a professional mission, Cap, but keeping those relationship wheels greased isn’t just strategic; it charges your creative and communication batteries. Thanks to a sweet sync-up of the Sun in your sign and considerate Neptune, you’re reminded to start conversations on a personal note and not be “all work all the time.” Pay attention to what people tell you; commenting on it could spark a genuine connection.