

Communication -- chats, phone calls and even non verbal gestures will be important today. Reach out to a younger sibling, co-worker or someone of your age via letter, phone or email. A new opportunity awaits you. A short trip may be on the horizon too. Believe in yourself and take a chance on the creative idea that's been on your mind. This is an ideal time to revive old friendships. You may feel a strong desire to be part of a social group. Be more outgoing and expressive. Reach out to old friends and to relatives. Try to put others' needs before your own. It will help you feel more connected and in touch with those around you.


Ever since the Sun settled into your industrious second house a month ago, you’ve had your nose to the grindstone. Today, however, el Sol shifts into your garrulous third house, infusing your world with a lighthearted and chatty vibe. Don’t resist the urge to socialize, Capricorn. You can still get through all your duties without working through your breaks. Meet a friend for a matcha or go to lunch with a few colleagues. Talking about business is fine—as long as it’s not the only topic of discussion. Tap into a local networking event: You’ll make great new contacts and have fun at the same time!