This is a time of good fortune. Legal affairs resolve in your favor. Your spiritual beliefs may be tested. Take good care of your health, especially while venturing into unfamiliar places. The money you've been waiting on may arrive very soon. Today domestic issues and work concerns are on your mind. You vacillate between feelings of intense love and hate, though concern for loved ones matters more to you than personal gain. You will find a balance between work and family, self confidence and lack of trust. Keep your cool. Anger would undo all the good work of the past few weeks.Head and heart go hand in hand and workable solutions are available that feel as good as they work. You can put emotions into phrases that hit the mark and get your message across in more than just words. Multilevel thinking enables you to see all sides of the issue and if you need to, schedule negotiations, trades and other communications now.
Trying to figure out your next big move, Gemini? Don’t think too long or too hard. Your sign has more creativity in your pinkie finger than most people have in the entirety of their gray matter, so tap into that. Today’s genius combination of the pragmatic Capricorn Sun and intuitive Neptune in your financial district helps you think outside the box and come up with something that gets you so excited you can’t wait to dive into it. But patience! Timing IS everything.