

Life requires a lot from you at present. You may feel beset by enemies, with competition endangering your own security. Keep working hard and avoid vices. This phase of life will pass and a windfall of money, perhaps from an inheritance, may come your way. Suddenly many things in life seemed drastically altered. Be pragmatic in your viewpoint. Change can mean loss but also the chance for fresh opportunities. Resolve disputes and repair relationships. You are at a fork in the road. A myriad of possibilities are before you. <em>Victory is actually how high you bounce when you hit the bottom.</em>


Rebirth! On Friday, the Taurus full moon shook things up and showed you where you needed to change, evolve or release something that no longer served you. But what will you put in the blank space left behind? All weekend, the moon is in Gemini and your first house of fresh starts, making you extra self-aware and eager to take on a new challenge. Approach it with a spirit of adventure! On Sunday, la luna is also synced up with expansive Jupiter, amplifying your eagerness to take a bold risk. But you'll have to drop any pretenses if you want your message to get through. These moonbeams will bring everything into the open, so be prepared to get real. Pro tip: Stop trying to control your image and step into the spotlight. Revealing your humanity rather than hiding it will earn your audience's trust.