Listen to the advice and experience of others as you contemplate a big purchase or deal. Solidify a relationship, perhaps by planning a wedding. Meeting to discuss business or legal matters may take up your time right now. Being practical is the key to success today. You're sure of your priorities and are able to effectively juggle all the demands on your time and resources. <em>Excellence can be obtained if you care more than others think is wise; risk more than others think is safe; dream more than others think is practical; expect more than others think is possible. THINK BIG THINK DIFFERENT</em>
Oversharer alert! Today, as your ruler, expressive Mercury, locks horns with outspoken Jupiter (in Gemini), you may be tempted to let it all hang out with someone you’re still getting to know. Unless you want to wake up tomorrow with a giant vulnerability hangover, don’t be such an open book. It’s okay to share a few pages from your personal history. But when you’re done with one story, wait and let the other person reciprocate. That way, you won’t flood them with TMI and your connection can stay on an even keel. Boundaries have a purpose, even in the most intimate relationships.