Workplace disputes may be getting out of hand and causing you worry. Just continue to work hard and obstacles will be overcome. Volunteering or serving others would be a rewarding opportunity. Look after your health and finances, consulting family as needed. Your expenses want attention now, as they may exceed your income. Some financial hurdles may be before you. Honestly assess your own potential and the clarity of your aspirations. In other words, more important than the quest for certainty is the quest for clarity right now.
Double-booking alert! Your FOMO rises to precariously high levels today, Gemini, making it hard to say no to any offer. It’s not your fault. The Leo moon is teamed up with go-getter Mars in your curious third house, firing up your interest in just about everything. If an activity tickles your fancy, at the very least bookmark it. Make every effort to breeze through your to-do list early. That way, you’ll be free to explore whatever (or whoever) catches your eye. Try to find an after-work networking event or a happy hour where the odds of chatting up an intriguing stranger (make that strangers!) are strong.