You may be contemplating a big purchase, perhaps one involving jewelry, decorations or other valuables. Make decisions with care. Try and find a balance in your personal finances. A relationship may be ready to move to the next level. Powerful bonds and emotions take the center stage as the need for vivid experiences becomes more pronounced. New meanings and dimensions to your existence fires your imagination. A critical need for finances may occupy your time and energy. Look for help as needed. Try to create more fun and enjoy romance as it comes your way. Enjoy the moment!
While the moon sails through grounded Capricorn and your insatiable eighth house, you’ll be enthralled with innovative ideas and lively discussions. This is a speedy transit, so don’t get ahead of yourself and commit further to something that could turn out to be the flavor of the day. Ask probing questions to find out what lies beneath the initial sparkle. A possible venture or collaboration might not be as attractive when you put it under the microscope.