This is an ideal moment to networking, to join or attend social meetings or club. Your charisma will make an impression on those around you. An accident or theft may cause a reversal in monetary status. Communicate well at home to resolve any sudden domestic troubles. The spotlight in on security today, both emotional and financial security. Practice self-care and resolve conflicts. Avoid risky monetary decisions. Engaging in sensible planning for the future will put you at ease and make you feel secure. Evaluate your income and spending, and seek balance in life. Remain goal oriented.Minor disagreements, especially over domestic matters, are more likely than usual now. Little disorder coming from the outside reflects significantly in your own reactions. Since you are not received as well, public relations initiatives should be postponed.
The ceiling can’t hold you, Gemini—starting on Saturday as the lunar north node (aka the cosmic destiny point) swings into Pisces and your tenth house of ambition and authority. Between now and July 26, 2026, you aren’t allowed to hide your light or your leadership skills. Simultaneously, the karmic south node in Virgo grounds you emotionally, helping you to feel anchored and “at home” both when you’re at the helm and when you’re literally nesting. Your question for the next 18 months: “How can I turn my life lessons into guidance for other people—and create abundance for myself in the process?” Powerful people may step up to direct your path, so take the onus off yourself to figure this out alone. On Sunday, gutsy Mars in your money house forms an opportune trine to magnetic Neptune, heating up career prospects. Time to make a big ask? Be bold but not forceful, Gemini. The stars are working on your behalf.