A change in status may be headed your way. Your hard work has been noticed. A recent evaluation has gone favorably. Rewards will soon be yours. Problems at home might be demanding right now. Deal with conflicts and end relationships that are no longer worth the heartache. You feel truly connected with your family today. Home takes precedence over work as you feel especially protective of children and younger siblings. Communicate with family, in person or via social networks. You may want to display your ingenuity today.
Don’t even think about fading into the background today, Gemini. (As if!) Uninhibited Jupiter in your sign dances into a dynamic angle with Venus, who is pouring charm into your ambitious tenth house. As a true innovator, you shouldn’t have any trouble drawing attention to your creative work. You also have a talent for playing well with others. Showing off that skill could score you a new professional admirer. Share your highest-priority aspiration out loud and see if they nibble. While this isn’t the day to be too heavy-handed, start laying a breadcrumb trail.