If your spiritual beliefs currently feel in doubt, a pilgrimage or foreign travel will give you a chance to research and reaffirm. Some legal affairs will soon be resolving, perhaps leaving you with an expected inheritance. Enjoy the good fortune or the moment but prioritize your health and avoid risky choices. A busier day than normal. The day may be centered on taking extra responsibilities, short trips, phone calls, emails, faxes and other communications -- social media, notifications and alerts. New connections may be made and old ones may be revived. Speak with care to avoid saying things you yourself would not want to hear.
A “want” is not the same as a “need,” Gemini. But as the hedonistic Sun faces off with rash Mars retrograde across your money axis today, impulse buys could cost you more than you budgeted for. If you can’t resist the urge to splurge, check the seller’s refund and return policy before parting with your hard-earned cash so you aren't stuck with a pricey trend that doesn't translate from runway to real life. If you’re in talks for a business collaboration, get the nitty-gritty details down in black and white to protect your funds, reputation and intellectual property.