

Complications may occur before or during travel. Your managerial skills will prove useful in dealing with any complications that you face right now, at home or at work. Your ability to lead and work hard has been noticed by others and will soon be rewarded. Concentrate on your job and avoid getting embroiled in several activities at the same time. Stay focused on the big picture. Work will be entertaining and engrossing today, with goals within reach. You feel productive and capable of finish all tasks at hand. Spend your energy addressing the complexities of relationships.


You might bound out of bed in super-industrious spirits this morning, Gemini, so make the most of it! Before most people have sipped the foam off their latte, you could have gotten through all your DMs, checked your social media sites, spritzed down the kitchen and bathroom and are already ticking work to-do’s off your list! Later, still riding this motivational high from a trine between the moon and driven Mars in your work and money houses, you could organize an incredible night out for your crew or favorite plus-one!