

A parent or teacher may be going through a stressful time. You may feel ignored or blamed. Try to offer comfort and support. At the same time, see to your own health and well being. Continue your hard work and you will soon be rewarded. A meeting or official conversation may be causing you anxiety, especially if a contract or deal is at stake. Don't worry. Everything will fit into place. Learn from your own experiences, as well as from the life lessons of others, and you will acquire new skills for success.What feels right clashes with reason right now. What you say may be a misrepresentation of your true feelings and emotions. It takes extra effort for you to understand others, or they to understand you. Although you are in the mood to talk about personal matters, you could be communicating with an air of defensiveness.


Is a relationship’s uncertain future making your anxiety levels skyrocket, Gemini? Trying to map out your trajectory together could stop a good thing in its tracks. Fear doesn’t stand a chance when you’re grounded in the present, Gemini. As your ruler, strategic Mercury, squares the moon, you’re better off turning your focus to the power of now. Redirect your energy into making today simply awesome and revel in the moment. Rinse and repeat every day. It won’t be long before you see a clear path ahead of you.