Pay close attention to legal matters or purchases right now, in order to avoid unnecessary debts or fraudulent deals. Make time to discuss your worries with your partner or spouse. An injury or accident may cause a temporary obstacle. Continue to work hard and you will move through this rough patch. Your future happiness depends on your own choices. Your attitude will impact your level of success. Again, you will be concerned with extra income, this time through extra work/overtime. Past work and accomplishments may prove profitable. Count on a raise both in status and your own self image. In any case, money and perks are more than good enough.
The best way to get a project finished and out the door today is with a concerted team effort, Leo. With the Capricorn Sun in your hard-working sixth house linked up with easygoing Neptune, a gentler touch is called for. Rather than bark out orders—or even issue them quietly—ask people for their opinions on the best way to get this done. That mini-ego boost will connect them more emotionally to the outcome and might reveal an approach you never would’ve thought of yourself.