Enjoy leisure time with family, especially children or a significant other. Balancing your finances should be possible if you avoid gambling or unwise speculation. Speak up and voice concerns on your mind but do so with diplomacy. A grandfather or grandfather figure has an important role to play right now. Family and personal matters reign supreme right now. There may be financial gains in the form of inheritances or bequests. While you may feel impulsive and sentimental, you will overcome your emotions soon. Think about past successes and achievement and you will good about them and stronger than ever.
Zero in on practical matters today, Leo, especially if that makes your home run like a well- (or better-) oiled machine. Your first Black Friday steals might come from the office supply or hardware store. Not the sexiest, but think of the efficiency that shelving and storage unit will bring once it’s finally set up! With the Scorpio moon in your nesting zone, scour for deals on kitchen gadgets and bedroom accouterments. In between shopping, how about turning those leftovers into a big soup and casserole and freezing for next week’s lunches?