Legal affairs may require that you travel, perhaps with a teacher or mentor at your side. Take a class or get intune with your spiritual side. Either of these will ease the worries you feel at present. If you take a trip, plan and commute wisely to avoid accident or injury. Today is a perfect day to reach out to loved ones who have been on your side. Seek out soothing company. You feel a need to socialize and belong. You can literally experience the entire world through your friends' eyes.
You’re not imagining that little frisson of attraction, Leo, but what to do about it? As the moon squares amorous Venus today, the sparks you sense aren’t necessarily worth fanning into flames. For one thing, the person in question may be keeping their intentions well hidden, making it hard for you to pursue the possibility. Or perhaps you’re the one who’s playing cat-and-mouse games, wondering when they’ll take the bait. Friction can be sexy, but perhaps more of a distraction than you can afford to delve into today.