Life requires a lot from you at present. You may feel beset by enemies, with competition endangering your own security. Keep working hard and avoid vices. This phase of life will pass and a windfall of money, perhaps from an inheritance, may come your way. Be cautious optimistic today. The new moon phase acts as a harbinger of hope and would leave you with infinite possibilities today. Those around you share your enthusiasm for fresh opportunities but remain true to your own vision. Enjoy the day and seize the unique chances headed your way. Share your dreams and plans with those ready to listen.
Under today’s diplomacy-squashing squabble between Venus and Jupiter, you might feel like you’re tiptoeing through a minefield when dealing with group dynamics. Someone may be on a blatant power trip or pitting teammates against one another. You can try to keep everyone’s spirits up, but do you really want to take on that role? For the sake of your own serenity, take a huge step back and see if this shakes out on its own. Depending on how people deal with their differences, you might reconsider your involvement altogether.