

Big plans are in the making! While you're on a roll, it would be prudent to share your plans at work and at home. Consult with family and communicate with care to avoid further conflicts. Be conservative in your spending and plan ahead as much as possible. Goodness and kindness are integral to your character. Your talents and perfectionism define you professionally. A journey for work or pleasure is a possibility. The day may be centered around extra responsibilities and communication with new contacts. Make the most of this moment in time as fame and honor await you today.


Triage time! Before an important relationship flatlines, do an intervention. If you’ve fallen into a rut with someone who was once a prime source of joy, the first thing to do is stop spinning your wheels. Today, a supportive trine between the Sun and moon in your people houses can help you get back on track—and into the steady-flowing carpool lane again. Push yourself out of your comfort zone: Yes, it feels safe and familiar, but it’s the reason you’ve hit a plateau. Check in with the other party and get some cultural activities on the calendar, like a concert or play that you can attend over the next couple weeks.