Monetary setbacks may be a cause of stress right now. Weigh all plans and purchases carefully. If unmarried, it may be time to take the next step in your relationship. Now is an ideal time to tie up loose ends and prepare for a new phase in life. Exercise restraint and control your temper to protect recent gains. Your emotions rule your head and family matters may outweigh work concerns. A return to the past may summon nostalgia. You may feel moody and insecurity. Take time for yourself to think, rethink and solve internal problems.
It’s a chill vibes day, with the moon in your domestic quarters aligned with motivated Mars in your twelfth house of introspection, transitions and healing. But if you can’t sleep in, see if you can rearrange your schedule so you can attend to tasks that need more thoughtfulness than left-brain power (which, granted, is generally your superpower). If you get a little time to yourself, tie up any loose ends that might be causing more low-grade stress than you realized.