Work affords lots of opportunities right now. Share your decisions and plans with family. If you are feeling temporarily strapped for cash, give it time. New sources of income or an inheritance may be headed your way. Enjoy experiences with relatives, perhaps a grandparent, niece or nephew. Your home life is more troubled than usual right now but that doesn't mean that you need to head out and not look back! You are looking for comfort and security with loved ones. Take time off to resolve problems at home. Keep calm and think hard before reaching any conclusions. A conflict, an argument or some annoyance with/to father or father like figures (including bosses and mentors) is possible.Things are not as in tune as they might be, but resolution and progress are possible through mutual recognition and compromise. Impact priorities and be ready to give on small points in order to gain on the large ones. Competition can be strong, but it makes you stronger, and this is where you earn respect and trust.
You’re easily distracted today, Leo, which can be highly disorienting! With attentive Mercury in your research nook scuffling with boundary-challenged Jupiter in your social sector, you may struggle to keep your eye on the prize. Don’t force yourself! That will only create internal resistance, and you could wind up with a full-on rebellion on your hands! Indulge your curiosity, but set limits with your scrolling and web searches. Once you’re caught up, close the windows and get back to (even) more pressing matters.