You are in the mood to learn a new skill, to put your intellect to the test. Creative and spiritual ideas appeal to you right now. Don't overlook practical concerns though. Car or home repairs may curtail your leisure time. It's best to avoid spending money on gambling or lottery tickets. Save that money for a rainy day. You feel like catching with old friends right now. Networking and sharing your ideas appeals to you. Avoid losing your focus and speak with care. You can impress others without even realizing it today so go out there and mingle. Remain on task and people will see your best side.
Wearing a brave face won’t do much to decrease the major stress levels caused by today’s opposition between the hard-driving Capricorn Sun and unpredictable Mars retrograde across your home-family axis. A relative or roommate could go into crisis mode, or you might be thrown a curveball with a sweat-inducing deadline. Take time to center yourself—with a lunchtime power yoga class or emergency session with your work wife—then hunker down this afternoon. And remember: However impossible the situation seems, you WILL get through it.